Tumblr is a great platform for finding tons of inspirational images of fashion ad campaigns, model images, runway shots, and so much more. More so than many other blogging tools, Tumblr is fantastic at providing an aggregate of fashion images of all kinds. You can type in anything from "Karlie Kloss" to "Celine" or "Karl Lagerfeld" and find a plethora of images tagged with whatever subject you search for. And what's so great about the images Tumblr provides as opposed to let's say "Google Images" is most of the time they're user created or uploaded by users themselves. So let's say there was a collage someone made or a photograph someone scanned in and edited--they can usually always be found on Tumblr. Further, Tumblr seems to be used by many "artsy" people, "hipsters" if you will--who gravitate towards light exposure photographs, vintage filters and such. But also, these users are visual people, so they share and repost photos that garner some emotion or cater to some artistic skill.
Thus, Tumblr is used by nearly every fashion designer and fashion pr firm to expose their work and build a greater community for like-minded fashion enthusiasts. Tumblr isn't heavily word based compared to blogspot (ie this blog) or Wordpress, which makes it easier to cater towards the fashion community in offering an online scrapbook of sorts for fashion media. A lot of times people don't want to scroll through tons of personal blog posts pertaining to random stories or everyday musings, but would rather look at a page full of something visually engaging and inspiring. This is what Tumblr is best at: providing a wide range of visual content spanning all subjects, and not just fashion. You can also comment and reblog blog posts or follow different blogs that interest you. You can also create a unique theme or use one of Tumblr's many pre-made themes. It's super simple and the interface is very manageable.
Personally, what I love most about Tumblr is that I can combine my mutual love for both fashion and music by keeping an online log of all of my favorite songs and fashion content. So instead of taking up memory on my computer to store all of this data, tumblr is a free, aesthetically attractive online medium I can always look at to feel inspired for any of my upcoming art projects, editorial ideas, or just fashion inspiration in general.
Especially in this day and age when there are so many amazing social media platforms out there— some get left in the dust, but do yourself a favor and don't miss out on this one.